How to find Station work in Australia?
Do you want to find some station work in Australia? Well, you’ve come to the right place.
We found it a little tricky until we found some great pages with many station jobs, even for those who have little experience.
The station work is excellent. You’ll definitely learn a lot being out on the land surrounded by beautiful people.
To put into perspective, being out on a station, depending on how big the property may be, the next-door neighbour could be 2km away or even 100+km from the homestead of where you’re staying. Generally, the property owner or station manager will live in the homestead located on the property, nearby with more accommodation for shearers, workers, governess, nanny, etc. There will be small cottages and or shearing quarters with facilities inside so you feel comfortable when here.
Accommodation may be provided depending on the property. We highly suggest speaking with the property manager to make sure there is some sort of accommodation provided. For us, with being self-contained, they are always happy for us to live out our ute setup.
The properties have a range of different livestock, including cows, sheep, goats, dairy cows, etc. Some may also grow feed on the property, such as rice, barley, wheat, corn, sugarcane and plenty more.
Fortunately, the most successful way that we have found work has been through word of mouth and people that we know, which have contacts. I also follow along on some Facebook pages which are always calling out for workers.
Facebook Pages –
- Ringers From The Top End (RFTTE)
- Station/Farming Jobs Australia
- Station Positions Northern Australia
- Station Jobs WA
- Station jobs NT
- Station Jobs Australia/4×4/working dog Advertising
- Jobs for Families travelling Australia group
- Australian Rural and Remote jobs
- Caretakers & Helpers for rural & remote areas of Australia
- Farm Jobs Australia
- Outback Australia Jobs
Websites –
With what I have provided above, I’m sure it will help you get a job. Please be open and honest about what you are experienced in, and it gets you a lot further than getting out to a station and not being able to do what you say you can do!
I hope that this helps you. Happy job searching!
Cody & Dayne.